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Open Width Knitting of Rope Like Modular High Efficiency Washing Machine

The machine applies to washing processing after dyeing and printing of cotton, blended needle woven fabrics. 


1. More enemy-saving and environmental protection of the all-new generation of rope-like washing machines.
2. Products fit wide investments, occupies a smaller space, even more simple and easy operation.
3. Pre-washing process uses partly open width stacking and washing with completed puffing, and powerful water knife penetrating washing and cleaning.
4. Completed sealed structure uses stacking and rope-like module in the last washing processing steps.
5. Each slot is equipped with independent temperature control and filtering system, more economize on water, more enemy-efficient.


Fabric by roll pressing into the next stacking slot, and then the fabric in the solution funnel will adequate enough solution and then into the stacking slot. Fabric slowly through liquid storage tanks, so that the fabric has enough to get reactions under the right conditions of temperature and chemical conditions.

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